



Admissions Policy and Information

We are delighted that you are considering a place at our school for your daughter to join our expanding and popular Year 7, or for your daughter or son to join our vibrant and challenging Sixth Form. Whether you are the parent of a prospective Year 7 student, a prospective Year 12 student or are looking for your daughter or son to transfer to our school this section should include everything that you need to know.

In September 2025, Southend High School for Girls will admit 224 students into Year 7. This variation from the published admission number is for September 2025 admissions only.

You can contact our Admissions Officer between the hours of 9am – 1pm via the school office or email

Scroll down for further information.

Admissions Policies & Forms

Admissions policies and application forms.

11+ Exam Information

For information about the 11+ Exam, including how to register and past scores, please see the CSSE website.


The beautiful thing about learning
is that no one can take it away from you



In order apply to join the school in Year 7 parents must express a preference for the school on their Local Authority’s (LA) Common Application Form which should be returned to the LA by the appropriate date.  Parents must also complete the Consortium of Selective schools’ (CSSE) Supplementary Information Form (SIF) which must be returned to the CSSE by the required date.  Further information can be found on the CSSEs’ website.  Here you will also find information about how to register with the CSSE for the 11+, obtain practice papers and more information how to make an application to the school on the CSSE website.  Please click on the following link for school catchments in the Southend area: School catchment areas – Southend-on-Sea City Council.  Please refer to the following document for more information about admissions including guidance about moving into the priority area: Secondary School Admissions Booklet 2024 (

Appeals Process 2025

Please note appeals cannot be submitted until after National Offer Day on the 3rd March 2025.

Any parent whose child is not offered a place has the right to appeal providing they have named this school as one of their choices.  If a parent intends to lodge an appeal, they must notify the school in writing after National Offer Day.

Please address the letter to the Appeals Administrator and the full address of the school, or email In your letter, please include the below information:

  • daughter’s name and date of birth
  • home address
  • the name of the school where the 11+ test was sat
  • the date and time the 11+ was sat (AM/PM)
  • the 11+ raw scores and standardised score achieved
  • the name of the school allocated to the student

Upon receipt of this, a Notice of Appeal form and information pack will be sent to you.

The closing date for the Notice of Appeal Form and any supporting evidence to be returned is midday on Tuesday 1st April.

Subject to the receipt of the appeal papers being received by (midday on Tuesday 1st April), the appeals will be held on Tuesday 13th, Wednesday 14th & Thursday 15th May 2025.

The Clerk to the appeal panel will write to you at least 10 days in advance of the hearing to give notice of the venue, time and date of your appeal.

As permitted by law parents can make an application at any time outside of normal admissions. This is an in-year admission, i.e. an in-year admission is any admission that takes place after the first day of the Autumn term for a student in Year 7 and the last day of the summer term for a student in Year 11.

Please note: Parents can only apply for the next school year in the summer term of the current school year. Applicants may also apply to the Sixth Form for in-year admission. Please see the Sixth Form section of the admissions policy for more information.

Applications for in year admission during the autumn term of Year 7 are treated differently to in year admissions after the autumn term of Year 7. During this term, any vacancies that arise in Year 7 will be filled from the 11+ waiting lists.

Applications for in year admission into Year 11 will not be possible.

For full information, please refer to our policy here.

To join the Sixth Form please visit our Sixth Form pages here.

Should you have any questions regarding admissions or if you would like an opportunity to visit the school then please contact the admissions line on: 01702 588852 or email on

Southend High School for Girls is a selective girls’ school. Admission to the school at age 11 is determined through a selection procedure administered by the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex (CSSE). The offer of a place is dependent upon passing the selection tests. Students are admitted on passing the selection tests regardless of SEN or disabilities. However, passing the selection tests is not a guarantee of being offered a place. A pass mark for the tests is set annually.

No student will be admitted below this pass mark. Where the school is named in a child’s statement of special educational needs and the child passes the selection tests, the school and the Local Authority have a duty to admit the child.

SHSG outstanding Ofsted report 2024! "Pupils flourish and excel at Southend High School for Girls"view report