Gift Aid Donations

Gift Aid Donations

Gift Aid Donations

We are delighted with all the school improvements that have been made over the last few months, particularly during this period of disruption whilst dealing with the COVID pandemic. Our new Sixth Form Café that we have aptly named ‘Scholars’ looks absolutely fantastic. This project cost around £100,000 and the main commitment to this cost came from school funds.

We are also about to embark on further building work involving the complete restoration of the school’s flat roofs and the replacement of all the Crittall windows in the Main School, originally built in 1957. We have successfully secured some Government funding towards this project but despite this, a significant financial contribution is also being made by the school.

Further enhancements have also been made to the Year 13 Private Study Room, previously the Staff Quiet Room and plans are in place to replace the seating in the Science Department to ensure students’ comfort whilst studying in those rooms for extended periods of time.

Recent Investments Through

Gift Aid Donations

The school has also recently invested in the purchase of around 90 laptops for use by students in school enhancing lessons taught throughout the curriculum. In addition, laptops/iPads have been purchased for all staff to assist in future-proofing ourselves in case of further lockdowns and ensuring that staff can continue to deliver excellent virtual lessons for those students who may be required to self-isolate.

Moving forward, we would like to continue with the exciting plans for the further enhancement of private study areas and of course the expansion and complete modernisation of the main library. However, the size and scope of the project will depend on the success of our appeal for donations from parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends of the school.

The school is asking for assistance with these future projects so that we can continue to provide the very best state of the art facilities for our students. We will be providing regular updates regarding our fundraising project via the Gazette and our website to demonstrate just how valuable these contributions are!

Thanks to everyone who currently make a regular standing order to the school.

If you would like to set up a regular standing order, full details can be found by contacting Mrs Croysdill in the School Bank –

We are also pleased to announce that one-off parent donations as well as donations by grandparents, alumni, and all friends of the school can now easily be made via our new ParentPay Gift Aid Donations Page by clicking ‘here’ and can also be accessed from your Parent Pay Home Page. If you click on the icon for your child on the Home Page you will see the option to ‘Donate’ under ‘Menus and Choices’ – this link will also take you to the new Donations Page.

The best way of giving to the School Improvement Fund is to make your gift tax efficient.

Every £1 donated to the school under Gift Aid is worth £1.25 to the School Improvement Fund so please fill in a gift aid mandate where possible. If you are donating via Parent Pay, please remember to tick the box to confirm that you would like your donation to be gift aided.

Our thanks to all our parents and supporters – with your help, we can ensure that we are able to provide the very best facilities for our pupils both now and in the future!

Gift Aid Donations Form

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